Thursday, 26 July 2012

Constitution and By-Laws (Lions Clubs International) (Part one)

Constitution and By-Laws
(Lions Clubs International)
(Part one)
TO ORGANIZE, charter and supervise service clubs to be known as Lions clubs.
TO COORDINATE the activities and standardize the administration of Lions clubs.
TO CREATE and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.
TO PROMOTE the principles of good government and good citizenship.
TO TAKE an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community.
TO UNITE the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding.
TO PROVIDE a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members.
TO ENCOURAGE service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavors.

TO BE the global leader in community and humanitarian service.

TO EMPOWER volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.
Constitution and By-Laws
The Lions Club of Chartered by and under the jurisdiction of THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LIONS CLUBS This standard form is recommended for adoption by the Lions club as its official local club Constitution and By- Laws. Immediately upon adoption by the club, a permanent copy of this Constitution and By-Laws is to be filed by the secretary in his/her record book. This Standard Form Club Constitution and By-Laws, and all amendments thereto, shall be in full force and effect and govern the operation of any Lions club that has not adopted its own Constitution and By-Laws.
The International Board of Directors shall and hereby does declare as policy that with respect to any matter of club operations which is consistent with the International Constitution and By-Laws and is not covered by the constitution and by-laws of the respective club and is covered by the Standard Form Lions Club Constitution and By- Laws that the provisions of the latter shall govern and control.
ARTICLE I – Name ........................................................2
ARTICLE II – Purposes ................................................2
ARTICLE III – Membership
SEC. 1 – Eligibility for Club Membership........................2
SEC. 2 – Membership by Invitation ................................2
SEC. 3 – Forfeiture of Membership................................3
ARTICLE IV – Emblem, Colors, Slogan and Motto
SEC. 1 – Emblem ..........................................................3
SEC. 2 – Use of Name and Emblem..............................3
SEC. 3 – Colors..............................................................3
SEC. 4 – Slogan ............................................................3
SEC. 5 – Motto ..............................................................3
ARTICLE V – Supremacy ............................................3
ARTICLE VI – Club Size ..............................................4
ARTICLE VII – Officers
SEC. 1 – Officers............................................................4
SEC. 2 – Removal ..........................................................4
ARTICLE VIII – Board of Directors
SEC. 1 – Members ........................................................4
SEC. 2 – Quorum ..........................................................4
SEC. 3 – Duties and Powers..........................................4
ARTICLE IX – Delegates to International and District
SEC. 1 – Delegate Entitlement International
SEC. 2 – Delegate Entitlement District/Multiple District
SEC. 3 – Selection of Club Delegate(s) and
Alternate(s) ....................................................6
ARTICLE X – Club Dispute Resolution Procedure
SEC. 1 – Disputes Subject to Procedure ......................6
SEC. 2 – Request for Dispute Resolution and Filing
SEC. 3 – Response to Complaint ..................................7
SEC. 4 – Confidentiality ................................................7
SEC. 5 – Selection of Conciliator ..................................7
SEC. 6 – Conciliation Meeting & Decision of Conciliator ..8
ARTICLE XI – Club Branch Program
SEC. 1 – Branch Formation ..........................................9
SEC. 2 – Membership in Parent Club ............................9
SEC. 3 – Fundraising ....................................................9
SEC. 4 – Designated Branch Club Funds ......................9
SEC. 5 – Dissolution ....................................................10
ARTICLE XII – Club Funds
SEC. 1 – Public (Activity) Funds ..................................10
SEC. 2 – Administrative Funds ....................................10
ARTICLE XIII – Amendments
SEC. 1 – Amending Procedure ....................................10
SEC. 2 – Notice............................................................10
ARTICLE I – Membership
SEC. 1 – Membership Categories................................10
SEC. 2 – Good Standing ..............................................13
SEC. 3 – Dual Membership..........................................13
SEC. 4 – Resignations ................................................13
SEC. 5 – Reinstatement of Membership ......................13
SEC. 6 – Transfer Membership ....................................13
SEC. 7 – Failure to Pay................................................13
SEC. 8 – Attendance ....................................................14
ARTICLE II – Elections and Filling Vacancies
SEC. 1 – Annual Election ............................................14
SEC. 2 – Directors Election..........................................14
SEC. 3 – Eligibility for Office ........................................14
SEC. 4 – Nomination Meeting ......................................14
SEC. 5 – Nominating Committee ................................14
SEC. 6 – Election Committee ......................................15
SEC. 7 – Ballot ............................................................15
SEC. 8 – Votes Required ............................................15
SEC. 9 – Nominee Unable to Serve ............................15
SEC. 10 – Vacancy ......................................................15
SEC. 11 – Replacement of Officers-Elect ....................16
ARTICLE III – Duties of Officers
SEC. 1 – President ......................................................16
SEC. 2 – Immediate Past President ............................16
SEC. 3 – Vice President(s) ..........................................16
SEC. 4 – Secretary ......................................................16
SEC. 5 – Treasurer ......................................................17
SEC. 6 – Membership Director ....................................17
SEC. 7 – Lion Tamer ....................................................18
SEC. 8 – Lion Twister ..................................................18
ARTICLE IV – Committees
SEC. 1 – Standing Committees....................................18
SEC. 2 – Membership Committee................................19
SEC. 3 – Special Committees ......................................19
SEC. 4 – President Ex-Officio ......................................19
SEC. 5 – Composition ..................................................19
SEC. 6 – Committee Reporting ....................................19
ARTICLE V – Meetings
SEC. 1 – Board of Directors Regular Meetings............20
SEC. 2 – Board of Directors Special Meetings ............20
SEC. 3 – Regular Club Meetings ................................20
SEC. 4 – Special Club Meetings ..................................20
SEC. 5 – Annual Meeting ............................................20
SEC. 6 – Alternative Meeting Formats ........................20
SEC. 7 – Charter Anniversary ......................................20
SEC. 8 – Quorum ........................................................21
SEC. 9 – Business Transacted by Mail ........................21
ARTICLE VI – Fees and Dues
SEC. 1 – Entrance Fee ................................................21
SEC. 2 – Annual Dues..................................................21
ARTICLE VII – Club Branch Administration
SEC. 1 – Branch Club Officers ....................................22
SEC. 2 – Liaison ..........................................................22
SEC. 3 – Voting Entitlement ........................................22
ARTICLE VIII – Miscellaneous
SEC. 1 – Fiscal Year ....................................................22
SEC. 2 – Parliamentary Practices ................................22
SEC. 3 – Partisan Politics/Religion ..............................22
SEC. 4 – Personal Benefit............................................23
SEC. 5 – Compensation ..............................................23
SEC. 6 – Solicitation of Funds......................................23
ARTICLE IX – Amendments
SEC. 1 – Amending Procedure ....................................23
SEC. 2 – Notice............................................................23
EXHIBIT A – Membership Categories Chart ................24
EXHIBIT B – Sample Ballot Form..................................27
EXHIBIT C – Sample Organizational Plan....................28
The name of this organization shall be the Lions Club of  _______________, chartered by, and under the jurisdiction of the International Association of Lions Clubs.
The purposes of this club shall be:
(a) To create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.
(b) To promote the principles of good government and good citizenship.
(c) To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community.
(d) To unite the members in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding.
(e) To provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members.
(f) To encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavors.
Subject to the provisions of Article I of the by-laws, any person of legal majority and good moral character and good reputation in his/her community, may be granted membership in this Lions club. Wherever the male gender or pronoun presently appear in this constitution and bylaws, it shall be interpreted to mean both male and female persons.
Membership in this Lions club shall be acquired by invitation only. Nominations shall be made on forms provided by the international office, which shall be signed by a member in good standing who shall act as sponsor, and be submitted to the membership chairperson or the club secretary, who, after investigation by the membership committee, shall submit the same to the board of directors. If approved by a majority of said board, the prospect may then be invited to become a member of this club. A properly filled out membership form duly signed, as well as, The entrance fee and dues must be in the hands of the secretary before the member is reported to and officially recognized by the association as a Lion member.

Any member may be expelled from the club for cause by a two thirds votes of the entire board of directors. Upon removal from this club, any and all right to use the name “LIONS,” the emblem and other insignia of this club and this association shall be forfeited. This club shall remove members whose conduct has been deemed a violation of the International Constitution and By-Laws and Board Policy and unbecoming a Lion by the International Office or otherwise face charter cancellation.
Emblem, Colors, Slogan and Motto
Section 1. EMBLEM. The emblem of this association and each chartered club shall be of a design as follows:
Use of the name, goodwill, emblem and other logos of the association shall be according to the guidelines established from time to time in the by-laws.
Section 3. COLORS.
The colors of this association and of each chartered club shall be purple and gold. Section
Its Slogan shall be: Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety.
Section 5. MOTTO.
Its Motto shall be: We Serve.
The Standard Form Club Constitution and By-Laws shall govern the club unless otherwise amended so as not to conflict with the district (single, sub- or multiple) and International Constitution & By-Laws and policies of Lions Clubs International. Whenever there may exist a conflict or a contradiction between the provisions set out in the club constitution and by-laws and the district (single, suband multiple) constitution and by-laws, the respective district
Constitution and by-laws shall govern. In addition, whenever there may exist a conflict or a contradiction between the provisions set out in the club constitution and by-laws and the international constitution and by-laws or board policy, the international constitution and by-laws and board policy shall govern.
Club Size
A Lions club should strive to maintain 20 members; the numerical minimum membership required to receive a charter.
Section 1. OFFICERS.
The officers of this club shall be a president, immediate past president, the vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, Lion tamer (optional), tail twister (optional), membership director and all other elected directors.
Section 2. REMOVAL.
Any officer of this club may be removed from office for good cause by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire club membership.
Board of Directors
Section 1. MEMBERS. The members of the board of directors shall be the president, immediate past president, the vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, Lion tamer (optional), tail twister (optional), membership director, branch coordinator, if so designated, and all other elected directors.
Section 2. QUORUM.
The presence in person of a majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the board of directors. Except as otherwise specifically provided, the act of a majority of the directors present at any meeting of the board shall be the act and decision of the entire board of directors.
In addition to those duties and powers, express and implied, set forth elsewhere in this constitution and by-laws, the board of directors shall have the following duties and powers:
(a) It shall constitute the executive board of this club and be responsible for the execution, through the club officers, of the policies approved by the club. All new business and policy of this club shall be considered and shaped, first, by the board of directors for presentation to and approval by the club members at a regular or special club meeting.
(b) It shall authorize all expenditures and shall not create any indebtedness beyond the current income of this club, nor authorize disbursal of club funds for purposes inconsistent with the business and policy authorized by the club membership.
(c) It shall have power to modify, override or rescind the action of any officer of this club.
 (d) It shall have the books, accounts and operations of this club audited annually or, in its discretion, more frequently and may require an accounting or have an audit made of the handling of any club funds by any officer, committee or member of this club. Any member of this club in good standing may inspect any such audit or accounting upon request at a reasonable time and place.
(e) It shall appoint, on recommendation of the finance committee, a bank or banks for the deposit of the funds of this club.
(f) It shall appoint the surety for the bonding of any officer of this club.
(g) It shall not authorize, nor permit, the expenditure, for any administrative purpose, of the net income of projects or activities of this club by which funds are raised from the public.
(h) It shall submit all matters of new business and policy to the respective standing or special club committee for study and recommendation to the board.
(i) It shall maintain at least two (2) separate funds governed by generally accepted accounting practices.
The first fund to record administrative monies such as dues, tail twisting fines and other internally raised club funds. A second fund shall be established to record activity or public funds raised by asking support from the public. Disbursement from such funds shall be in strict compliance with Section (g) of this article.
Delegates to International and District Conventions
Inasmuch as Lions Clubs International is governed by Lions clubs in convention assembled, and in order that this club may have its voice in association matters, this club shall have power to pay the necessary expenses of its delegates to each annual convention of the association. This club shall be entitled in any convention of this association, to one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for every twenty- five (25), or major fraction thereof, of its members as shown by the records of the international office on the first day of the month last preceding that month during which the convention is held,provided, however, that this club shall be entitled to at least one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate. The major fraction referred to in this section shall be thirteen (13) or more members.
Inasmuch as all district matters are presented and adopted at the district (single, sub- and multiple) conventions, this club shall be entitled to send its full quota of delegates to all such conventions and have power to pay the necessary expenses of such delegates attending such conventions. This club shall be entitled in each annual convention of its district (single or sub- and multiple) to one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for each ten (10) members who have been enrolled for at least one year and a day in this club, or major fraction thereof, of this club as shown by the records of the international office on the first day of the month last preceding that month during which the convention is held, provided, however, that this club shall be entitled to at least one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate. Each certified delegate present in person shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote of his/her choice for each office to be filled by, and one (1) vote of his/her choice on each question submitted to, the respective convention. The major fraction referred to in this section shall be five (5) or more members.
Section 3.
The Board of Directors or its designated committee shall name and appoint, subject to approval of the club membership, the delegates and alternates of this club to district (single, sub- or multiple) and international conventions. Eligible delegates must be members in good standing in the club and entitled to vote in accordance with the rights and privileges chart set forth in Exhibit A of this Constitution and By-Laws.
Club Dispute Resolution Procedure
Section 1.
All disputes arising between any member or members, or a former member or members, and the club, or any officer on the board of the club, relative to membership, or the interpretation, breach of, or application of the club’s constitution and by-laws, or the expulsion of any member from the club, or any other internal Lions club matter
whatsoever which cannot be satisfactorily resolved through other means, shall be settled by dispute resolution.
Except as otherwise provided herein, any time limits specified in this procedure may be shortened or extended by the district governor, conciliator or the International Board of Directors (or its designee) upon a showing of good cause. All parties to any dispute subject to this procedure shall not pursue administrative or judicial actions
during this dispute resolution process.
Section 2.
Any party to the dispute may file a written request with the district governor (a “complaint”) asking that dispute resolution take place. All requests for dispute resolution must be filed with the district governor within thirty (30) days after the member knew or should have known of the occurrence of the event upon which the request is based. A copy of the complaint shall be sent to the respondent(s). A complaint filed under this procedure must be accompanied by a US$50.00 filing fee or its equivalent in the respective national currency, payable by each complainant to the district (single or sub- ), which shall be submitted to the district governor at the time the complaint is filed. Each district (single or sub-) may determine whether a higher filing fee will be charged for filing a complaint under this procedure. Any such higher filing fee must be approved by majority vote of the district cabinet in advance of charging any fee for filing a complaint under this procedure and any such fee shall not exceed US$250.00, or its equivalent in the respective national currency, payable to the district (single or sub-). The entire filing fee will be retained by the district (single or sub-) as an administrative fee and shall not be refunded to any party unless a refund procedure is approved by the district cabinet. All expenses incurred relative to this dispute resolution procedure are the responsibility of the
district (single or sub-), unless established district (single or sub-) policy provides that all expenses incurred relative to this dispute resolution procedure shall be paid on an equal basis by the parties to the dispute.
The respondent(s) to the complaint may file a written response to the complaint with the district governor within ten (10) days of receiving notice of the complaint. A copy of the response shall be sent to the complainant(s).
Once a complaint has been filed, communications between the complainant(s), respondent(s), district governor and conciliator should be kept confidential to the extent possible.
Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the complaint, the district governor shall appoint a neutral conciliator to hear the dispute. The conciliator shall be a past district governor who is currently a member in good standing of a club in good standing, in the district (single or sub-) in which the dispute arises, other than the club which is a party to the dispute, and who is impartial on the matter in dispute and without loyalties to any party to the dispute. The district governor shall notify the parties, in writing, of the name of the appointed conciliator. In the event an appointed conciliator is not acceptable to any party, the objecting party must submit a written statement to the district governor within ten (10) days of receiving the district governor’s notice of appointment identifying all the reasons for such an objection. If no such objection is received, the conciliator shall be deemed acceptable to all parties. If the district governor determines, in his or her sole discretion, that the party’s written objection statement sufficiently demonstrates that the appointed conciliator lacks neutrality, the district governor shall appoint a substitute conciliator as provided above. Otherwise, the district governor shall issue his or her denial of the objection(s) and confirm the appointment of the original conciliator, in writing, to all parties. The district governor’s decision and appointment shall be determined within fifteen (15) daysof receiving any party’s written objection statement. Upon appointment, the conciliator shall have all authority appropriate and necessary to resolve or decide the dispute in accordance with this procedure. The time limits in this Section 5 may not be shortened or extended by the district governor. If the district governor does not appoint a conciliator to hear the dispute within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the complaint, the Legal Division will appoint a conciliator to hear the dispute. The conciliator shall be a past district governor who is currently a member in good standing of a club in good standing, in the district (single or sub-) in which the dispute arises, other than the club which is a party to the dispute, and who is impartial on the matter in dispute and without loyalties to any party to the dispute. The Legal Division shall notify the parties, in writing, of the name of the appointed conciliator. In the event an appointed conciliator is not acceptable to any party, the objecting party must submit a written statement to the Legal Division within ten (10) days of receiving the Legal Division’s notice of appointment identifying all the reasons for such an objection. If no such objection is received, the conciliator shall be deemed acceptable to all parties. If the Legal Division determines, in their sole discretion, that the party’s written objection statement sufficiently demonstrates that the appointed conciliator lacks neutrality, the Legal Division shall appoint a substitute conciliator as provided above. Otherwise, the Legal Division shall issue his or her denial of the objection(s) and confirm the appointment of the original conciliator selected by the Legal Division, in writing, to all parties. The Legal Division’s decision and appointment shall be determined within fifteen (15) days of receiving any party’s written objection statement. Upon appointment, the conciliator shall have all authority appropriate and necessary to resolve or decide the dispute in accordance with this procedure.
Section 6.
Upon being appointed, the conciliator shall arrange a meeting of the parties for the purpose of conciliating the dispute. The meeting shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days of the appointment of the conciliator. The objective of the conciliator shall be to find a prompt and amicable resolution to the dispute. If such conciliation efforts are unsuccessful, the conciliator shall have the authority to issue his or her decision relative to the dispute. The conciliator shall issue the decision in writing no later than thirty (30) days after the date on which the initial meeting of the parties was held, and the decision shall be final and binding on all parties. A copy of the written decision shall be provided to all parties, the district governor and, upon request, to the Legal Division of Lions Clubs International. The decision of the conciliator must be consistent with any applicable provisions of the International, Multiple District and District Constitutions and By-Laws and policies of the International Board of Directors, and is subject to the authority of and further review by the International Board of Directors at the sole discretion of the International Board of Directors or its designee. Failure to comply with the final and binding decision of the conciliator constitutes conduct unbecoming a Lion and is subject to loss of membership privileges and/or charter cancellation.
Branch Club Program
Clubs may form branches to permit the expansion of Lionism into locations where and when circumstances do not support the formation of a charter club. The branch shall meet as a committee of the parent club and shall conduct serviceactivities in its community.
The members of the branch shall be granted membership in the parent club and the branch by membership invitation issued by the board of directors of the parent club. Membership shall be in one of the categories listed in Article I of the By-Laws.
Activity or public welfare monies raised by the branch by asking for public support shall be held in a fund established to record such purpose. They shall be distributed in the branch community unless otherwise specified. The board of directors of the parent club may authorize the branch coordinator to countersign checks and vouchers authorized for payment by the parent club's board of directors.
 In the event of dissolution of the branch club, any remaining branch club designated funds shall be returned to the parent Club. In the event the branch club is converted into a newly chartered club, any remaining funds designated as branch club funds shall be transferred to the newly chartered club.
The branch may be disbanded by a two-thirds vote of the entire board of directors of the parent club.
Club Funds
All funds raised from the public must be returned to public use, including money accumulated from invested public funds. The only deductions that may be made from the activity account are the direct operating expenses of the fundraising activity. Money accumulated from interest must also be returned to public use.
Administrative funds are supported through contributions from members through dues, fines and other individual contributions.
This constitution may be amended at any regular or special meeting of this club, at which a quorum is present, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present in person and voting, provided that the board has previously considered the merits of the amendments.
Section 2. NOTICE.
No amendment shall be put to vote, unless written notice, stating the proposed amendment shall have been published to the member through regular post or electronic means, or delivered personally to each member of this club at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the meeting at which the vote on the proposed amendment is to be taken.
(a)  ACTIVE:
(b) A member entitled to all rights and privileges and subject to all obligations which membership in a Lions club confers or implies. Without limiting such rights and obligations, such rights shall include eligibility to seek, if otherwise qualified, any office in this club, district or association and the right to vote on all matters requiring a vote of the membership; and such obligations shall include regular attendance, prompt payment of dues, participation in club activities and conduct reflecting a favor able image of this Lions club in the community. As provided in the Family Membership Program criteria, qualifying family members shall be Active Members and be entitled to all rights and privileges thereof. As provided in the Student Member Program criteria, qualifying student, former Leo and young adult members shall be Active Members and be entitled to all rights and privileges thereof.
(d) A member of this club who has moved from the community, or because of health or other legitimate reason, is unable regularly to attend club meetings and desires to retain membership in this club,and upon whom the board of directors of this club desires to confer this status. This status shall be reviewed each six months by the board of directors of this club. A Member-at-Large shall not be eligible to hold office or to vote in district or international meetings or conventions, but shall pay such dues as the local club may charge, which dues shall include district and international dues.
An individual, not a member of this Lions club, having performed outstanding service for the community or this Lions club, upon whom this club desires to confer special distinction. This club shall pay entrance fees and international and district dues on such a member, who may attend meetings, but shall not be entitled to any privileges of active membership.
   A member of this club who has been a Lion fifteen or more years, who, because of     illness, infirmities, advanced age or other legitimate reason, as determined by the board of directors of this club, must relinquish his/her active status. A Privileged Member shall pay such dues as the local club may charge, which dues shall include district and international dues. He/she shall have the right to vote and be entitled to all other privileges of membership except the right to hold club, district or international office.
Any member of this club who has maintained Active membership as a Lion for 20 or more
years and has rendered outstanding service to this club, his/her community, or this association; or any member
who is critically ill; or any member of this club who has maintained such active membership for 15 or more years
and is at least 70 years of age may be granted Life Membership in this club upon:
(1) recommendation of this club to the association,
(2) payment to the association of US$500.00, or its equivalent in the respective national currency, by this club in lieu of all future dues to the association, and
(3) approval by the International Board of Directors.
A Life Member shall have all privileges of active membership so long as he/she fulfills all obligations thereof.
A Life Member who desires to relocate and receives an invitation to join another Lions club shall automatically become a Life Member of said club. Nothing herein shall prevent this club from charging a Life Member such dues as it shall deem proper. Former Lioness members, who are now Active members of their Lions clubs or who become Active members of a Lions club on or before June 30, 2007, may apply all of their prior Lioness service toward
Life membership eligibility. Lioness members who become Active members of a Lions Club after June 30, 2007, will not be eligible for Lioness service credit for the purposes of Life membership eligibility.
(i)A member who holds his/her primary membership in another Lions club but maintains a residence or is employed in the community served by this club. This status may be conferred by the invitation of the board of directors and shall be reviewed annually. The club shall not report an Associate Member on its Membership and Activities Report. An Associate Member may be eligible to vote on club matters, at meetings where he/she is present in person, but may not represent the club as a delegate at district (single, sub-, provisional and/or multiple) or international conventions. He/she shall not be eligible to hold club, district or international office, nor district, multiple district or international committee assignments through this club. International and district (single, sub-, provisional and/or multiple) dues shall not be assessed on the Associate; PROVIDED, however, nothing shall prevent this club from assessing an Associate such dues as it shall deem proper.
A quality individual of the community who currently is not able to fully participate as an Active member of the club but desires to support the club and its community service initiatives and be affiliated with the club. This status may be conferred by the invitation of the club's board of directors. An Affiliate Member may be eligible to vote on club matters at meetings where he/she is present in person, but may not represent the club as a delegate at district (single, sub, provisional, and/or multiple) or international conventions. He/she shall not be eligible to hold club, district or international office, nor district, multiple district or international committee assignment. An Affiliate Member shall be required to pay district, international and such dues as the local club may charge.
Any member who fails to pay any indebtedness due this club within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice from the secretary shall forfeit his/her good standing and shall so remain until such indebtedness is paid in full. Only members in good standing may exercise the voting privilege and hold office in this club.
No person shall simultaneously hold membership, other than honorary or associate, in this and any other Lions club.
Section 4. RESIGNATIONS. Any member may resign from this club, and said resignation shall become effective upon acceptance by the board of directors. The board may withhold acceptance, however, until all indebtedness has been paid and/or all club funds and property have been returned. All right to the use of the name "LIONS," the emblem and other insignia of this club and the association cease when membership is terminated.
Any member dropped from membership in good standing may be reinstated by the club's board of directors, and will retain their prior Lions service record as part of their total Lions service record. Members that have been dropped from membership for more than twelve (12) months must be approved in accordance with Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution.
This club may grant membership on a transfer basis to one who has terminated or is terminating his/her membership in another Lions club, provided that a member is in good standing at the time of transfer requested. If more than twelve (12) months have elapsed between termination of his/her membership in another club and submittal of completed transfer member form or current membership card, he/she may acquire membership in this club only under the provisions of Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution. Members that wish to transfer from this club to another club must submit a transfer form to be completed by the Secretary. The Secretary is obligated to complete transfer form without delay unless the board of directors is withholding acceptance of the member’s resignation and transfer due to the member’s financial indebtedness to the club and/or failure to return any club funds or property.
Section 7. FAILURE TO PAY.
The secretary shall submit to the board of directors the name of any member who fails to pay any indebtedness due this club within 60 days after receipt from the secretary of written notice. The board shall thereafter decide whether the member shall be dropped from or retained on the roster.
Section 8. ATTENDANCE.
The club shall encourage regular attendance at club meetings and activities. Where a member misses consecutive meetings or activities, the club will make every effort to contact the member to encourage and promote regular attendance. Annual perfect attendance awards are available to members who have attended every regularly scheduled meeting of this club for any twelve consecutive months, otherwise making up any missed meetings in accordance with the attendance make-up rules of the club, if any.
Elections and Filling Vacancies
The officers of this club, excluding the immediate past president, shall be elected as follows:
Subject to the provisions of Sections 7 and 8 of this Article, all officers, other than directors, shall be elected annually and shall take office on July 1st, and shall hold office for one year from that date, or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. The Secretary shall promptly report the newly elected officers to the International Office within 15 days of the election.
One-half of the directors shall be elected annually and shall take office on the July 1st next following their election, and shall hold office for two (2) years from that time, or until their successors shall have been elected and qualified, with the exception that at the first election held after the adoption of this constitution and by-laws, one-half of the directors shall be elected for two year terms and the other one-half of the directors shall be elected for one year terms.
No person shall be eligible to hold office in this club unless he/she is an active member in good standing.
A nomination meeting shall be held in March of each year or as determined by the board of directors, with the date and place of such meeting to be determined by the board of directors. Notice of the meeting shall be published by regular post or electronic means or by personal delivery to each member of this club at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the meeting.
The president shall appoint a nominating committee which shall submit the names of candidates for the various club offices to the club at the nomination meeting. At this meeting, nominations for all offices to be filled in the succeeding year may also be made from the floor.
An election meeting shall be held in April or as determined by the board of directors, at a time and place determined by the board of directors. Notice of the election meeting shall be published by regular post or electronic means or by personal delivery to each member of the club at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior the date of the meeting. Such notice shall include the names of all nominees approved at the preceding nomination meeting, and, subject to Section  above, a statement that these nominees will be voted upon at this election meeting. No nominations may be made from the floor at the election meeting.
Section 7. BALLOT.
The election shall be conducted by a secret written ballot by those present and qualified to vote.
The officer candidate is required to secure a majority of the votes cast by the club members present and voting in order to be declared elected; for purpose of such election, a majority is defined as a number more than one-half of the total valid votes cast excluding blanks and abstentions. If, on the first ballot, and subsequent ballots, no candidate receives a majority, the candidate or tied candidates receiving the lowest number of votes shall be eliminated and balloting shall continue until one candidate receives a majority. In case of a tie on any ballot, balloting shall continue on the tied candidates until one is elected.
 If in the interim between the nomination meeting and the election meeting any nominee is unable for any reason to serve in the office to which he/she was nominated and for which office there was no other nominee, the nominating committee shall submit, at the election meeting, names of additional nominees for that office.
Section 10. VACANCY.
 If the office of president or of any vice president shall become vacant for any reason, the vice presidents shall advance in office, according to their rank. In the event such provision for advancement shall fail to fill the office of president, or any office of vice president, the board of directors shall thereon call a special election, giving each member in good standing prior fourteen (14) calendar days notice of the time and place, which time and place shall be determined by said board, and such office shall be filled at said election meeting.
In the event of a vacancy in any other office, the board of directors shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term. In the event vacancies shall be of such number as to reduce the number of directors to less than the number required for a quorum, the membership of the club shall have power to fill such vacancies by an election held at any regular meeting of the club upon prior notice, and in the manner, specified in Section 11 hereinafter. Such notice may be given by any remaining officer or director, but if none, then by any member.
In the event any officer-elect, before his/her term of office commences, is unable or refuses for any reason to serve therein, the president may call a special nomination and election meeting to elect a replacement for such officer
elect. Fourteen (14) calendar days prior notice of such meeting, setting forth the purpose, time and place shall be given to each member, by mail or personal delivery. The election shall be held immediately after nominations have been closed and a plurality vote shall be necessary for election.

------------------------------ END OF PART ONE ----------------------------------
                                              LALIT NIRANJAN

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